Tag: what is shared hosting
When to Go for Shared Hosting
Shared Hosting: There are many different options that you can choose in terms of hosting. Traditionally, the most commonly selected choices have always been a mixture between dedicated instances, virtual private servers (VPS), and shared hosting. The advantages of the first two types have been largely discussed, and the vast majority of the public decided to opt for one of them. This, therefore, left a sort of neglected shared hosting.
However, there are many situations in which this particular hosting option can be quite precious, without forgetting that it can also save you long-term money. Here are some examples, of benefits of shared hosting that can be considered advantageous.
How Does Shared Hosting Work?
It is not a secret that shared hosting is the cheapest variant that you can choose when it comes to making something accessible online. But have you ever wondered why its price is significantly less compared to that of another hosting option? The answer is quite simple and lies in the name of the service – “shared”.What is shared hosting? shared hosting means that the resources of the host server are shared between all the hosted customers.
To put this in simpler terms, when you register for a shared hosting account, you get your own designated space on a server. However, this server also plays a number of other users, which means that you become essentially neighbors. In addition, this also means that you should share all the server’s resources between you.
A good real example of such a situation would be to live in an apartment rented by someone else. The same thing applies if you were to live in student accommodation – you have the same rooms, the same fridge, the same bathroom, and the shower at your disposal. If you want to use something while it is already busy, you will have to wait.
This example is perfectly applicable with regard to shared hosting and server resources – a sudden increase in traffic for a website or web application can lead to the consumption of more server resources on their behalf. Therefore, this will lead to other sites or applications, which are hosted on the same server, becoming slower, and taking more time than usual, due to the lack of server resources. Not only that, but the requests will also be processed more slowly and the storage capacity could also prove to be a problem in some cases.
This is why some users really avoid shared hosting in general and prefer to opt for a dedicated hosting or virtual private server. However, there are a number of advantages to this particular type of hosting with one of the largest beings that it costs much less compared to others. In addition, it is slightly easier to manage and much more user-friendly, requiring little or no previous technical experience. So when is exactly the trouble to opt for shared hosting?
When to Consider Going to Shared Hosting
As we have already mentioned, this hosting option can be really cheap, according to your needs. Generally, you can find shared hosting plans which vary from $ 1 to $ 5 per month which can offer you a very good amount of resources, including active memory (RAM), treatment power (CPU) as well as ‘Significant storage (SSD or hard drive). For this reason, there are a number of scenarios where is shared hosting safe can be very useful.
For example, if you run a local store and most of your traffic and sales occur in a physical location, you may only need a website to inform your customers of offers, news, and important information. All this can be considered and presented as static content, which means that it could also be displayed on a single page.
This is in particular useful because your main activity will be carried out inside the store, which means that the majority of traffic will happen to you directly rather than on your website.
For this reason, going for a shared hosting plan can be useful because you will not sell your goods online and the website will have fewer visitors than your physical location. In addition, this will also lead to a drop in your resource consumption, which means that your website will be able to work smoothly, regardless of the consumption of other customers, who also occupy the same server as you.
Another useful example, in which having shared hosting can be beneficial, is when your website or web application is not so large or does not focus on the presentation of your users with dynamic content. This includes everything like portfolios, and information providing mainly textual resources and sites and applications. Essentially, if your website focuses on static text and generally uses graphics as well as not having many executable functions, you can consider going for shared hosting.
What to look for When Choosing a Shared Hosting Provider
In the current state of things, most hosting providers generally offer shared hosting regardless of their other services, which means that making a final choice can be quite overwhelming given the total number of suppliers on the market.
One of the most important things that you must certainly take into account is whether your hosting provider can offer you DDOS protection. This is an essential characteristic because the constant influx of false traffic and targeted attacks can not only crush your website or your application, but also the whole server. Having a supplier that can offer you such free protection is generally an indication that their services are reliable and secure. VPSBG, for example, offer their customers DDOS protection for free 1.8 TBPS + as well as their hosting plans, without forgetting that they also implement additional protection of the IMMUNIFY360 to make sure that your website or your application is safe at any time.
Another thing you need to search is whether the supplier can offer you features such as backups or snapshots for your service. Having a discount plan on which to count in the event of a complete failure of the system or hacking attack is absolutely necessary. Try to look for a supplier that can provide you with such functionality. Having included it on your website or plan is also an additional advantage.
The total number of incoming and outgoing emails is also something that may be interested according to your business or your personal intentions for your websites or your application. Remember that email is always one of the most used communication methods in the world, which means that you will certainly have to send and receive emails.
Other useful features that you can potentially be on the lookout for research include the search for a supplier that can offer you a dedicated IP and the possibility of creating additional subdomains.
Having a configuration panel to manage your site or your application should also be a priority. For this reason, when you do your research on shared hosting suppliers, try to search for some that offer a control panel with the hosting plan. In most cases, it would be CPANEL, but there are also other options that become more and more popular.
Finally, if you have your website hosted with another supplier, but you want to change because either your expectations were not satisfied or you are generally not satisfied with the service, it is important to take a look At a supplier who would be ready to migrate your website for free.
That’s all of us for now. Remember that when it comes to hosting, dedicated hosting instances and VPS servers are also an option, but although they are more reliable, they are also more expensive and may not always be the best choice.